Prioritize Your Spouse: Save Your Marriage from Neglect

Prioritize Your Spouse: Save Your Marriage from Neglect

Prioritize Your Spouse: Save Your Marriage from Neglect

Prioritize your spouse: 

A strong, loving marriage is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.  When you prioritize your spouse, you create a stable and nurturing environment for your whole family to thrive. This article explores the benefits of putting your marriage first and provides practical strategies to keep your connection strong while navigating the joys and demands of parenthood.



Raising children is a rewarding but demanding journey. It’s easy to get caught up in meeting their needs, sometimes at the expense of the very relationship that brought them into the world: your marriage. Prioritizing your spouse isn’t selfish; it’s essential for a strong family foundation. Neglecting your marriage while focusing solely on your children can have devastating consequences, as one man tragically discovered.

In 2012, a conversation with a former coworker revealed the painful reality of misplaced priorities. Facing divorce, he confessed that he had prioritized his children to the detriment of his marriage. He had poured all his energy into parenting, inadvertently neglecting his wife’s emotional needs. Despite her attempts to communicate her feelings, he failed to recognize the growing disconnect. The result? His wife sought connection elsewhere, leading to an affair and ultimately, the breakdown of their family. His story, shared in tears and regret, serves as a stark reminder: a healthy marriage requires intentional cultivation.

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This isn’t about loving your children less. It’s about understanding that your marriage is the bedrock of your family. When you invest in your relationship with your spouse, you create a more stable and loving environment for your children. A strong marriage provides a sense of security and models healthy relationships for your kids.

So, how do you prioritize your spouse amidst the chaos of parenthood?

  • Intentional Time Together: Schedule regular date nights, even if it’s just an hour after the kids are in bed. Get creative – a quiet conversation in another room, a shared hobby, or simply enjoying each other’s company can make a difference.
  • Early Bedtimes (Sometimes!): Don’t feel guilty about putting the kids to bed a little earlier occasionally to carve out some uninterrupted time for you and your spouse.
  • Communicate Openly: Create a safe space to discuss your needs and feelings. Actively listen to each other and address concerns before they escalate.
  • Remember Your “Why”: Reflect on what attracted you to your spouse in the first place. Reconnect with those feelings and rekindle the romance.


The Bible offers powerful guidance on prioritizing your spouse:

  • Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” This verse emphasizes sacrificial love and prioritizing your spouse’s needs.
  • Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This foundational verse highlights the importance of the marital bond.
  • Song of Solomon 7:10: “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.” This reminds us to nurture romantic love and connection within marriage.
  • 1 Corinthians 7:3-5: This passage emphasizes the importance of intimacy and connection, warning against neglecting each other’s needs.
  • Proverbs 5:18-19: This encourages continued love, affection, and joy in marriage.

Prioritizing your spouse is not just a good idea; it’s a vital investment in your family’s future. It’s about recognizing that your marriage deserves your time, attention, and care, just as much as your children do. Don’t wait for a crisis to remind you of this truth. Start nurturing your marriage today.

Final Thoughts: Balance Is Key

Loving and raising children is an incredible responsibility, but it should never come at the cost of your marriage. When you prioritize your spouse, you set an example for your children of what a healthy, loving relationship looks like. They will grow up understanding the value of commitment, partnership, and sacrificial love.

Make the intentional choice to invest in your marriage today. Schedule a date night, have a heart-to-heart conversation, or simply make time to connect. Put your spouse first—not because your children don’t matter, but because a strong marriage is the best gift you can give them.

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