Sanctification in Marriage

Sanctification in Marriage

Sanctification in Marriage

The Color of Marriage Devotional


Today’s devotion is about sanctification in marriage, something that every couple who desires a Christ centered marriage should take seriously.


Sanctification in marriage is probably something that you don’t usually think about happening in your marriage as you go through the day-to-day activities of your marriage. If you do think about sanctification, it’s normally not related to sanctification in marriage, but personal sanctification as it applies to your individual Christian walk. What if I told you that God is already using your marriage as a tool to sanctify you and your spouse? Would you believe me? I hope that you do. You will find out as you continue to read today’s devotion, that God is not only using your marriage to sanctify you and your spouse, but He also created marriage to be the perfect environment for sanctification.


Sanctification in marriage happens on a regular basis whether you know it or not. Take for instance the many times that God uses the circumstances of your marriage to make you and your spouse more holy, more patient, and more loving. These are the very characteristics of Christ, that God, through the sanctification process, is aiming to bring about in all believers. Marriage is the perfect environment for God to produce a set of people who are holy, patient, loving, kind, etc. 


If the couple of any marriage is hoping or expecting to successfully make it through the many trials and tribulations that any marriage can produce they will have to learn how to be holy, patient, loving, kind, and any other quality or attribute that will lead to a great marriage. This is why marriage is the perfect environment for sanctification. The couple of the marriage is put in a position to either succeed or fail. To be successful, the couple must be willing to yield to the sanctification process that God will graciously put them through so that they can grow, become successful, and not fail in the relationship that they desire to succeed in.


Now, the only way a couple will fail at marriage, is if they are not willing to consent to sanctification in marriage. Without sanctification in marriage, the colliding of opinions, the crashing of egos, and the unwanted pressures of amending wrongs that came about because of selfish desires and internal debates will crush the marriage and cause it to fail or become less than it was meant to be. Neither of these should be sought after in any marriage, however; when you put off allowing God to bring forth the sanctification process in your marriage, this will be the outcome, your marriage will begin to fail or become less than it was meant to be.


Sanctification, which is the process of taking off our old nature and putting on the new nature through the power of God, is desperately needed in your marriage, my marriage, and any other marriage that wants to succeed. This will happen over the duration of your marriage and will not occur at the same pace for you as it will for your spouse and vice versa. So, welcome sanctification in marriage and while doing so, you will begin to explore & examine the various passages of scripture that directs husbands and wives to change, conform, and endure so that you can receive the Christ centered marriage that you desire to have.


Key Marriage Scriptures for today’s devotion:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Romans 6:13, Romans 8:13, Ephesians 4:31-32, Ephesians 5:22-33, and Colossians 3:5 

Next steps to take:

Today, you and your spouse should make the decision to embrace the sanctification process that God (through the Holy Spirit) wants to start or continue in your marriage. Don’t be afraid, God knows what He is doing.

We are here to help, we offer online Christian Marriage Counseling that will help you and your spouse understand and live out the sanctification process that God wants to begin or continue in your marriage. We also would like to help you with understanding and living out God’s plan for marriage so that you can build a Christ centered marriage that you can enjoy.

Click here to schedule your courtesy telephone consultation .


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